Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Reflecting on the Blackboard World '09 conference, I can begin to make connections between the opening keynote presentation, in which Seth Godin (author of Tribes) discussed the concept of tribes and the power of connectivity, to the closing session by Lester Holt of NBC News, who shared his background and passion for journalism and search for understanding. Given the conference announcement of the partnership between Blackboard and NBC News Archives on Demand, it is not surprising that Lester Holt would promote this new resource. However, the power of his message was above and beyond any promotional pitch.
Seth Godin started with exploration of who we are and how we identify ourselves, and others by the clothing (uniforms), hairstyles, the products we buy, and other actions or items, which become the symbols and banners of our “tribe”. He concluded by illustrating the power of connectivity and how individuals with passion to accomplish a goal can network and form a tribe, which can and will contribute their skills and various resources to implement the changes necessary to succeed. His message also conveyed that the technologies and tools of the day are powerful agents in the process.
Lester Holt reflected on nearly a century of journalism and how media has and can impact our awareness and understanding of events. He stated that news organizations record events and have been the “first documenters of history”. He also addressed the challenges which traditional news organizations face with the advent of the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras, and what some refer to as “citizen journalism”. When asked about information coming from these nontraditional sources, he acknowledged that many times, the professionals have been “scooped” by the amateurs. But he was quick to stress the importance of considering how we gather and verify information to document historical moments. Some of the remaining strengths of professional journalism are archival resources, professional research capabilities, including the ability to ask good questions and verify answers. Who and where did this report come from? When and where did the creation of this image, video, recording, etc. take place? He stressed the importance of a verified timeline, in order to establish that a story has not been fabricated to promote a particular agenda.
So what do the messages of both of these speakers convey to me? What are the links, which connect their stories with education and with my work as I consult with faculty about their teaching objectives and use of technologies in teaching and learning?
Seth Godin reinforced the power of group work and the impact which social media is having and can increasingly have on the formation of "tribes' and world events. He confirmed that the exploration of social media to expand learning both within and outside of the classroom is valuable work, which can benefit our faculty and students as they pursue both formal and informal learning.
Lester clarified, that as learners, we must all ask good questions & that good teaching is about enabling others to do the same. He reinforced the notion that the use of stories, particularly those, which are created and delivered with digital technology, can be a powerful tool in conveying understanding and/or provoking thoughtful discussion. To me, his message is consistent with Constructivist Learning Theory, which holds that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their experiences.
My time listening to these men was well spent. I am re-energized to continue my own learning and gain new understanding about the world in which I live, as it transforms at an ever increasing speed.